Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Freedom & The Internet

The Net Neutrality battle rages on, now entering into the Wireless Spectrum auction arena, led by the Stanford law professor Lessig. I'm currently reading a mind blowing book by Lessig titled "The future of ideas", where the author argues that the way the telcos and tech firms are moving today & with the nature of IP laws (Intellectual Property) being the way they are, we are in for a control economy within the framework of the Internet, something against the spirit of the Internet which is freedom at its exhilarating best. Interestingly, the importance of the spectrum is reflected in that it has become a presidential debate issue in the US, with candidate John Edwards taking an early stand on the issue

If the debate is one of free markets, how free are the markets really as long as the media itself is controlled by private enterprise? Another excellent read in this connection is Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death...

Where will all this lead to!?!

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